Saturday, February 18, 2017

You Are Invited by Holly Jacobs

Heartwarmingly entertaining. I loved this book in the Ridge Valley Romance series.
Mattie and Finn are wonderful together. I am so glad they finally seen that. The passion they have for the children is so heartfelt and real. I know that circumstances that would normally drive people apart is what brought them together. These two are so opposite of each other but had a common ground of making the children happy and making sure they felt loved. Raising someone else's child is not ever an easy task. You constantly wonder if you are handing the situation correctly. Are you being to harsh or not harsh enough. Well Mattie found a way to accomplish the perfect balance and include Finn in the decisions she was making. She realized early on that the children's happiness was more important than hers or Finns. That is what made her such a wonderful Aunt/bonus mom! She was exceptional!

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Until Hanna ARC

EEEKKKK Yall I was so stinking excited to open my kindle to this today!!!