Monday, December 25, 2017

Review: No Longer a Dream

No Longer a Dream No Longer a Dream by Carole Mortimer
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I have steered away from Presents for a while now because I couldn't handle the over bearing Prince or Sheikh who thought they could just take what they want. This one absolutely shocked me. I am so glad I decided to give this book a try. I didn't get the results that had previously caused me to run. I got a satisfyingly great story! I couldn't put this book down.

A heartbroken virgin being tracked by a billionaire who fell in love at first sight. This book is amazing. I probably would have strangled the over bearing son in this book though. He was bit much. A 19 year old child who wanted to pretend to be a man but still act 2. Cat definitely has more patience and control than me.

View all my reviews

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Until Hanna ARC

EEEKKKK Yall I was so stinking excited to open my kindle to this today!!!