Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Review: Ruled

Ruled Ruled by Anne Marsh
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

WOW!!!! This book is excellent. I have to say I was a little torn going in not sure what to think. This is my first Dare and I knew I was going to miss Blaze. Well let me tell you Anne Marsh did not disappoint. You get absolute fantasy life. Why need role play when you can pick up this book and get straight torn up with hot scenes!

An MC VP and a Woman who throws princess birthday parties. You are talking complete polar opposites. All I can say is opposites attract. This book for sure shows it. If you are a little hesitant grab yours today. I am telling you, you wont put it down.

View all my reviews

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Until Hanna ARC

EEEKKKK Yall I was so stinking excited to open my kindle to this today!!!